
The Olympics Make Me Cry

I love, Love, LOVE watching the Olympics.  I look forward to them and love rooting for the U.S.  And also for anyone else who is winning.  And also for anyone who is losing.  But the Olympics make me cry.

I cry when someone wins and their dreams are realized.  They are so happy and their struggle to get to the Olympics is validated.  I cry when someone gets hurt and their dreams are crushed.  They are so sad and their struggle to get to the Olympics is all the much harder to justify.  I cry when they do those little vignettes about certain athletes and their struggles to get to the Olympics.  I cry when they show those touching commercials.  It’s exhausting really.  But I love it.

I also cry when, while watching the Olympics I realize I made a mistake in my Ravellenics knitting project several rows back and have to un-knit a gazillion stitches.


I saw the mistake and my stomach lurched.  It was on the left side and where there was supposed to be a cable, there wasn’t.  I couldn’t drop the stitches down several rows because of the lace around the cables, and I couldn’t just rip out my work (take everything off the needles and unravel it – a much faster method) for the same reason.  Too hard to pick up and re-create the stitches.   Plus, I have a million markers in there and it would be tedious to figure out where they go.  So, un-knit, stitch by stitch is what I did.

Poor Paul, sitting next to me, trying to watch the Olympics, having to listen to my heavy sighs and my comments: “I’m wasting so much time having to do this!”  “I can’t believe I didn’t notice it sooner!” “It’s going so slowly!”  “Do you know how much further I could have gotten by now?”

I made it through, though, and I’m back on track now.  The picture above is my progress.  I settled on knitting the Charleston Tea  hooded cardigan.  It was not on my original list but it is the same designer as the Dark & Stormy which was on my list.  I didn’t have, and couldn’t find, the right yarn for the Dark & Stormy but had plenty for the Charleston Tea.  It has been in my queue for some time and I think it is very cute.  Don’t you?

Ooh!  AND I finally got my completed Travelling Socks back!


I love them.

2 thoughts on “The Olympics Make Me Cry

  1. I love your socks! Charleston Tea is very pretty, feminine and the sport-weight is unexpected for a hoodie. Casually elegant. Good luck with your Ravellenic event.
    I enjoy the Olympics, too. The Biathalon events are amazing!

    1. Thanks Libby – I liked that the sweater is sport weight because the hood will not be too heavy. I love the biathalon’s too!

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