
The Last of the Season

We went to our last (probably) drag racing event of the season this past weekend.  For me, getting ready for these trips involves more than just packing some clothes, sunscreen and hot dogs.  There is, of course, the books and the knitting.

Packing the books:003

…means packing the book I’m reading (left), plus the one I’m planning to read next (middle), plus my Nook “just in case”.  You just never know.  Maybe I won’t be in the mood to read the next book.  Maybe I’ll see an ad for the best book ever and will need to purchase it immediately on my Nook so I can start reading it since I won’t be near a book store.  You.  Just.  Never.  Know.  And how horrible would that be, to be done with a book and not have anything else to read?  Just so you know, on this trip, I read exactly two pages of my book-in-progress.

Packing my knitting means choosing several projects requiring varying degrees of concentration:001

From left to right:  Ecuador sweater, Glitz at the Ritz shawl, basic socks, Aaron’s Aran sweater.

Depending on the condition of the roads, one project might not be as practical to work on.  Bumpy roads means something very easy like my Ecuador:011

…and not putting beads into my Glitz at the Ritz:


I only worked on this one for a few non-bead rows.  Then I only worked on my Ecuador for a little while because the roads in New York and New Jersey were horrendously bumpy and I was getting nauseous.  So annoying.

Just like with books, you never know what you are going to be in the mood to knit, or if you will run out of yarn in one project, or finish a project.  There have to be back ups.  Because who wants to be left with no knitting?  Not this girl.

After all the bumps, we made it to:012

Paul was going to be racing at the Cecil County Dragway in Rising Sun, Maryland.

The first night we were there we went out to dinner at a great seafood restaurant, Woody’s Crab House.013

Where we could draw on the tablecloth:014

Right after which, Paul reminded me how many people had touched those crayons, and then I had to go wash my hands.  I’m much more creeped out about that stuff these days!

And of course we had ice cream:015

The next day was racing.017

We had tons of fun, pitting our car next to our friends Denny and Renee.  And when Denny’s car broke, Paul had tons of fun helping him fix it:


They got it somewhat fixed, with a back up plan involving Denny keeping a big screwdriver with him in the car, and then they both got some racing in:021

They were both disappointed to find out they were paired up early in their elimination race, hoping to race each other in the final instead.   Paul won that round, but was out the next round.   They both won a little gas money so that was great!


Just a little more knitting on my Ecuador on the way home, before the bumps started:


Overall, a great weekend of racing and we are looking forward to next season!

One thought on “The Last of the Season

  1. I understand your stratagy when it comes to books – thank goodness for Nook’s and Kindle’s!!! LOL
    Finally – seeing the “Equator ” pic, I now understand your knitting it …it’s stunning!!!
    Two questions: 1) were the crabs you ate the BEAUTIFUL SWIMMERS, i.e., the Blue Crabs?! 2) were you the Chief in the pits this time? .. you didn’t mention it.

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