Second to Last Trip of the Season
Ok, so first things first: Apparently the blog has become neglected because of my new job/schedule. My last post was September 16. Things are getting more settled, so more blogging will be happening. Hooray!
A while ago (a couple of weeks), Paul and I went on our second to last racing trip of the season. It was our yearly trip to Cecil County Drag Strip in Maryland. Before we left that day, however, GE was having its first annual Cruisin’ on the Campus car show. So, Paul brought his car and while he talked to everyone at GE who stopped by his car, I sat and knitted on a sweater:
And what do you know? Paul won a trophy for best car in the Hot Rod category AND he won a trophy for the most favorite car in the whole show! Cool right? He put them on his desk at work:
(His pen holder is a blown piston from one of his car motors.)
Then we were on our way and I finished the body of the sweater on the car ride to Maryland:
Lots of racing that weekend and on the first day was the $5-to-guess-what-your-car-will-run-on-its-first-run-off-the-trailer contest. I got to collect money and write down names and the times each driver thought their car would run on their first run down the track:
The person who guessed the closest to what they actually ran, ended up winning $100. If you are not familiar with drag racing, guessing this number can be a little hard to do, unless your car is very consistent. Paul’s car is very consistent – He won! Hooray!
We went out to dinner at a seafood restaurant on the water:
And the next day, Paul got ready to race again:
And then there was this:
It’s not really a good idea to drag race if you can’t see the end of the track. After a short delay, they were racing again. Both Paul and his friend Rob were out kind of early in the rounds. Booooooo!
But on the way home we saw this, so that was nice:
(and I started knitting the second side of my One Way Tee… finally):
More to come next post….knitting, cooking, other stuff.
Missed your blogging- glad you are back!
Congrats to Paul – what a nice surprise to win three contests! Looking forward to more of your blogging!