
Pumpkin Madness

In my quest to do everything possible with pumpkin, and use the pumpkin I grew over a year ago, this recipe came popping into my email in a timely way: Pumpkin Pecan Scones with Browned Butter Glaze  Love Joy the Baker and her blog.  She is witty and her recipes are yummy.  Pumpkin, pecans, buttermilk and more turned into these yummy scones….


….which then were made infinitely better with the yummy browned butter glaze:


Oh. My. Gosh.  So good.  so, So, SO good.  The only thing that could possibly make them better is maybe if I toasted the pecans.  I think you would taste them more that way.  If you like nuts, that is.  They would be just as yummy without them.

Since I’m trying not to go too overboard with the goodies in the house, while still enjoying making them, I brought them to The Spinning Room with me today when I taught my Fair Isle Hat class.  (Everyone confirmed that they were yummy.)  And here are the started hats from the class participants:


Stay tuned for what else I’m doing with pumpkin…

2 thoughts on “Pumpkin Madness

  1. oh very nice they look yummy, I should take that class next time to learn how to switch colors, I did the Yankee pillow the NY was white but it also came out kinda bunchy too tight I guess so next time I do it I will try to remember to not be so tight changing colors, or I’ll just meet you somewhere if that it ok, cause I gave away that pillow and my mom wants me to make one for my nephew for christmas so I better get started again.

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