
In the Weeds

Have you ever worked in a restaurant?  I worked at One Way Fare in Simsbury, CT for 6 months back in 1992-93.  It’s not there anymore but it was in an old train station and they had the best cheese fondue and the best Caesar salad with pumpernickel croutons.  I started bussing tables and then graduated to being a waitress.  It was hard work.  But I made great tips and got in shape, that’s for sure.  Maybe I should get a waitressing job now….

When it got really, really busy the kitchen and hence, I, got behind in serving my tables.   I would be running around like a chicken with it’s head cut off (which really does happen, by the way; we saw it on “Alaska: The Last Frontier” reality show) doing everything, all the time, getting behinder and behinder, getting nowhere and getting nothing done.  We’d call it being “in the weeds”, and it was exhausting.

Well, that’s what’s happening with my knitting. Let’s face it – we all knew this was going to happen.  A few posts back, I said I was participating in three knit-a-longs and the Ravellenic games.  Four knitting projects going at the same time, with deadlines all happening at the same time.  So, I’m officially in the weeds.  I’m knitting everything, all the time, getting behinder and behinder, getting nowhere and getting nothing done on any of it.  I have no progress pictures to show you so, instead, you can enjoy pictures of the wonderful snow we are, yet again, getting pummeled with.  Fourteen to eighteen inches expected.

Crappy drive home from babysitting. If anyone asks, I was stopped when I took this picture. The little streak on the windshield from my wipers icing up got worse and worse as I drove up our hill-of-doom. (I didn’t want to “stop” on the hill of doom to document it.)
The plow jeep waiting for Paul.
Our almost empty wood shed. The full side is not seasoned yet so we can’t really use it…


One thought on “In the Weeds

  1. A couple weeks ago at the hospital it was REALLY REALLY busy and I said ,”OMG, I am so in the weeds” and no one knew what I was talking about!! I was a waitress at Garcias when I was in nursing school. 🙂

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