
How It’s Been Going

Well here we are – 5 days until summer already! Here is a little of what is going on around here….

Moose is feeling better after his intestinal distress and then getting neutered. He’s been very busy chasing frogs by the pond…

There has not been a ton of knitting going on, which is tough when one has a knitting blog. LOL. However, I’ve been working on some commissioned mitts:

These are the Trillium Mitts by Kirsten Kapur, made with Classic Alpaca yarn.

I also impulsively bought and started the Inclinations Cowl by Andrea Mowry:

A nice, easy pattern and I’m using Malabrigo Finito yarn which is just wonderful to work with.

But there are two more really big pieces of news!…..

First, in my never-ending quest to be my own boss, I’ve started a new side hustle: the CHOMP Pet Bakery! (click there for the website)

It will be mostly online but I’ve already had a booth at a couple of local festivals and will participate in a couple of local farmer’s markets (Guilderland and Washington Park for those who are local!). So, I’ve been a tad busy setting that up.

And then, there’s this!…..

Hooray for camping! We’ve been talking about/looking for travel trailers for many years. This one sort of fell into our lap and here we are. If you have any suggestions for good camping places for 28 foot trailers, let me know in the comments! We are excited to take Moose with us. Once we can actually get him into the trailer. He’s a scared-y dog at the moment….

Oh Moose. You will love it. We promise.

One thought on “How It’s Been Going

  1. Best wishes! Love your camping trailer! Looks like you two and the pooch are looking forward to an awesome summer!

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