
Grand Champion!

Just.  Wow.


That’s my name up there.  Next to the big rosette. I still can’t believe it.  Grand Champion Wool Product.  Best of Fair.   I can’t stop getting teary-eyed when I think about it and I have no idea why.  I teared up when I saw it, I teared up when anyone congratulated me, I teared up when Joan said I made everyone at The Spinning Room proud, I teared up when Kathy said she was proud to know me, and I’m tearing up now while I’m writing about it.  It’s crazy.  I guess I’m pretty proud of myself.

But enough about that.  On to other fair things.  So here are my entered items before:


And here they are after:


Not too shabby.  I’m happy with all my other ribbons… one third place and three fifth place.  And I got fourth place in the Spinning Bee contest with 96 yards spun in 30 minutes:


I spun 72 yards last year so I’m getting better.  My friend/biggest competitor/spinning nemesis Lisa got third!  I have some work to do to beat her next year.

After that excitement, Paul and I did our usual food tour to celebrate:


I’m not showing you everything we got since that would be embarrassing.  But there may or may not have also been a cider donut and a gyro involved.

We really like to watch the horse competitons:


And this was there, which I couldn’t watch without shrieking and almost having a heart attack because I was pretty sure they were going to crash so I turned around while Paul watched and narrated what they were doing:



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Could anything beat the excitement of the fair this weekend?  Well, there was the birthday party for my nephew, Nicholas, who turned 16. SIXTEEN.  He is so grown up and I just can’t believe it.  And I forgot to take any pictures.   We had pigs in a blanket and a yummy dessert and he opened presents and we all visited. Those are the pictures you would have seen.  But, I did ask if he wanted me to knit him something for Christmas and his eyes lit up and he enthusiastically said, “YEAH!”  So it was cool that he still wants to wear knitted things from his Auntie Liz.

And the other excitement of the weekend was another pick-your-own session at our CSA farm, for which I did remember to take pictures….




(there are peas in there somewhere)




Cherry tomatoes, purple pepper, basil, parsley, sage, a huge zucchini which became bread, and a huge cucumber which, with some more cucumbers, became a million pickles:


These are canned pickles instead of refrigerator pickles since we currently have a lot of refrigerator pickles and now we can keep these for a while.

If you can stand it, I’ll probably have more vegetable freezing/canning pictures since that seems to be overtaking my life these next few days.  Another thing taking up a lot of time are finishing/blocking/repair projects for customers of The Spinning Room.  Stay tuned for those too.  Somehow, these just don’t seem quite as exciting as recent events, but I’ll try to keep your interest.

19 thoughts on “Grand Champion!

  1. If we “can stand it”? Most of what you post has been in my life and making pickles is sure one of those things. And canning spiced seckle pears, jams, mincemeat, etc. etc. etc. not to mention taking my small children to the school yard to fill paper (the only kind then) grocery bags with dandelion flowers so I could make wine. Eric loved the bread and butter pickles, he’ll be gone 6 years tomorrow, and I don’t know too many people who do that kind of kitchen labor anymore. Your posts are more than entertaining to me, they are memories, and I love every one of them. BTW, do you know a good way to put together raglan sleeves? :o)

    1. Thank you so much Linda! It certainly is a lot of work, but it will be worth it. Yes, I know how to do raglan sleeves, but not sure I could write it down here. Let me know if you’d like some help!

  2. Congratulations, Grand Champion!!! So very glad that your ambitious, expertly executed and beautiful shawl was recognized as Best of Fair.

  3. Congratulations! So great seeing your beautiful knitting and spinning on display.
    And as far as “My friend/biggest competitor/spinning nemesis Lisa got third! I have some work to do to beat her next year.”….

    ha, kidding. the only reason I had 3rd was with all your help and encouragement, telling me to keep going each time my spinning broke.
    Congrats on all!

  4. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! YOU ARE BE-RIBBONED! When Jean and I visited the fair on Thursday, we discovered your victory – but – we bit our tongues and waited for you to receive official word. Cheers to you and your vast talents!

    1. Thank you Christine! I’m glad you didn’t say anything. But I also can’t believe I didn’t cave and ask someone. I’m not usually that patient!

  5. Congratulations on your Grand Champion award! Your shawl is absolutely stunning – you should be extremely proud of your accomplishment!

  6. Congratulations again Liz!!! It’s a beautiful piece. You absolutely deserve that big fancy ribbon and you have a great showing overall too. Nice job.

  7. congratulations to you liz on your ribbons, especially the BIG blue one!
    you are so talented and definitely should be proud of yourself.
    it is so much fun to share the joy of your accomplishment with you!!

  8. Congratulations, Liz, on your First Prize win! I have always admired your knitting ability and creativity in general.

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