

It. Is. So. Darn. Cold. And Windy.  So, you are getting more complaining.

Sunday at 5 pm it was two degrees, but minus 33 with the wind chill.  It had stopped snowing and we didn’t get much but it was blowing and drifting around like crazy.

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Definitely a weekend for staying inside…. after a quick trip to the grocery store where we saw this:


It’s about time they put “about”.  People can get pretty crazy about your item count.

When we got back home, we stayed in.  Because It. Was. So. Cold.

I made Martha’s Parker House Rolls:


Oh. My. Gosh. So. Good.

And Smitten Kitchen’s Oven-Braised Beef with Tomatoes and Garlic:


Also, Oh. My. Gosh. So. Good.  It has three ingredients.  Chuck roast (I used shoulder), A 28 ounce can of tomatoes (I used crushed) and whole, unpeeled garlic cloves.  So easy.  I also added a few carrots and some onion.   Because we like them.


That was our Valentine’s dinner.  (Although Paul says I’m his Valentine every day. So sweet.) It’s really hard to take a nice picture of pot roast.

I also did some knitting with the Gilmore Girls:


And by the fire:


And finished my Heaven and Space during Downton Abbey!  Ta-da:


It will look nothing like this when it is blocked.  I’ll show you that next time.

I also got to finish reading my current book:


Excellent.  I loved it.  The writing is great.  You can get it here: All the Light We Cannot See: A Novel

“See?” I said to myself.  “The cold isn’t so bad.  Didn’t it feel great about getting a book finished and finishing a knitting project?”   “Why, yes.  Yes it did.” I said back.

Then, we woke up today to this:


In a part of the house we close off a little and don’t keep as warm.  But not this cold.

So we did this:


And got this:



5 thoughts on “Frozen

  1. OMG I feel like we live in Alaska or something, its awful
    I knitted your hat, bought the pattern from the spinning room on Saturday and finished it on Sunday, used Pacific yarn and love it! Thank you for creating it, knitted up quick and easy.

  2. I’m interested to see the blocked Heaven and Space. Love your gorgeous wood floors! Was that your beautiful Umaro keeping you warm?

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