

My goal, albeit a very lofty goal, for this weekend was to finish my Cocktails for Two socks:


While I made some definite progress, figuring out where I was in the pattern, picking up and knitting the gusset and working some on the foot, I kept getting distracted.  (I’m not showing you my progress yet.  I think I’ll wait until they are done.)

Distracted by the Spectral Cowl, which I saw on the Yarn Harlot’s blog.  And since I love the Yarn Harlot – she is my blogging and writing and in-general-such-a-good-and-funny-person hero – and I love a lot of the things she knits, and especially this one, and since I just got a new yarn that would be perfect for it, and since I was trying to watch a movie (Short Term 12 – very good and brought back memories from my days as a child protective services social worker) and it would have been hard to knit those socks, but easy to knit this cowl, I started it:


The yarn is Done Roving’s Frolicking Feet Transitions in the October colorway.  Aren’t those colors so great??? Easy pattern, great for watching a movie!

Then I got distracted by the fact that I’m not thrilled with my hats and can’t locate my Downton Hat so I searched through my stash and found this to knit:


….which I haven’t started yet, but I think soon.  Pattern is Bough by Leila Raabe.  Yarn is Brooklyn Tweed Shelter in the Homemade Jam colorway.

Then I got distracted by dinner. I made this great Chicken and Wild Rice casserole (but I used brown rice), which I forgot to take a picture of.  It was REALLY good.

Then I got distracted by the fact that the puzzle on the dining room table was almost done, so Paul and I finished it.  Almost….


No idea where that piece is.

Then I got distracted by making more bread (there is the link I forgot to put in the post where I made the bread).  As I put it in the oven to proof, I turned to clean up and saw the packet of yeast, unopened, on the counter.  My efforts to stick the dough ball back in the  mixer to get the yeast mixed in failed miserably and I will be headed to the store today for more flour and yeast.

Ok, then I got distracted by writing this blog.  Back to the socks….

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