

It’s cold.  Inside and out. 19 degrees here outside this morning.  55 degrees inside.


It’s so cold that the pond is freezing.  If the snow wasn’t a big enough clue that winter is coming, this cold and ice certainly are.

So, I must keep on keeping on with the wooly goodness.  Got some yarn in the mail with “all the colors” so my Ripple Blanket will keep on keeping on…


I’m a little out of my comfort zone with some of these colors but that’s part of the reason I’m making this blanket.  Doing something I’m not as familiar with – crochet – and use all the colors, including ones I wouldn’t normally use because they may actually look good.  The white, of all colors, is bothering me a little.  It seems too stark.  And I’m not thrilled about yellow in general.  Or orange.  (OK,  just realized I forgot to order an orange).  And sometimes green. So, only time will tell what happens with this!  Hopefully it will go well, because right now it’s too small to keep me warm while I wait for the wood stove to heat up the house.  I’ll have to break out the Umaro blanket.

[Oh my gosh.  I just went to Ravelry to link the Umaro blanket and I totally fell down the rabbit hole and found all these great new patterns from Brooklyn Tweed’s Wool People 6:


Tree Rings


And then there was this one in the Ravelry top 20 that looks cute and easy:

in threes: a baby cardigan

when. When. WHEN am I going to knit all these, as well as the other 100+ projects in my Ravelry queue????

I finally resurfaced and can finish this post now….]

My “homework” for my Knitting in Both Directions class at Stitches East was to practice for 10 minutes every day for 2 weeks.  I missed the first day.  But then yesterday I started a moss stitch scarf to practice:


Bad light, I know.  Stay tuned.

Meanwhile, I’m off to find that Umaro and work on my Ripple.

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