A List With One Exciting Thing and a Few Not-As-Exciting Things
Nothing much terribly exciting has been happening around here, so today you get a list!
1) Ok, one terribly exciting thing is happening: I published my first pattern on Ravelry! You might remember me talking about this pattern before, but if not, here is a picture of it:
A cowl that I made to match my High Plains Poncho . It is free for now since it is my first pattern and I’m trying to figure out how to do all this and set up PayPal. You can find the Easy Cozy Cowl pattern on Ravelry here: Easy Cozy Cowl. So exciting right?
**Edited to add: the pattern is no longer free. You can purchase it for $2.50 here: (Look at that cool “buy now” button!)
Now, on to the not-as-exciting things:
2) I’m starting work on another design! Stay tuned.
3) This week’s adventures with the doodlebugs involved watercolor painting, of which I forgot to take a picture, and stringing beads, of which I did not forget to take a picture:
They didn’t want necklaces, preferring instead to just swing them around or drag them around behind them, around the house.
3) I’m still working on my Cocktails for Two socks. They aren’t done yet though, so pictures are being withheld. HOWEVER, I did a teeny tiny try-on thing and, wait for it……. I think they might be too small. Don’t even get me started. I’ll go on and on about it when they are finished and the final try-on is tried.
4) I started the Brooke’s Column of Leaves Knitted Scarf in preparation for a class on basic lace techniques.
5) I’m reading All the Light We Cannot See: A Novel by Anthony Doerr and it is very good. Waiting in line is Wild: From Lost to Found on the Pacific Crest Trail
by Cheryl Strayed. My sister in law sent it to me as a thank you for knitting her a third mitten to replace the one she lost. So nice! Thank you again, Anita!
6) That is all.
Wow, a published knitter/designer. Congratulations, Liz! (Already downloaded the pattern. Thank you.- Bea
Great!! The start of a new adventure. Very proud of you for taking the plunge.
Congratulations on your first published pattern! It’s a winner!