
Still More Pumpkin

It’s crazy, I know.  But I did another pumpkin thing. (And I may have yet another thing in the works…)

You may know already that I love pretty much everything Martha-related.  When the October 2013 issue of her magazine came, I was obsessed:

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I just loved that pumpkin on the cover.  Had to create one for myself.  After printing out my template from Martha’s website,  finding the perfect pumpkin – at Lowe’s of all places – and sending away for a linoleum cutter, I was all set.  Then everything sat there for about a month while I did, oh I don’t know, ten thousand other pumpkin-related things.

Yesterday was the day.  Plenty of time, lots of good daylight.  And lots of patience apparently.  It took a looooong time.

Tape template to pumpkin:


Poke holes along lines of the template every 1/4 inch, or if you are me and afraid you won’t be able to see the lines with the holes that far apart, closer than that:


Using hole-y template as a guide, carve lines with skinny linoleum cutter blade, then scrape out the inside with a fatter linoleum cutter blade:


Apparently I forgot to put the cutter in the picture.  The box is in the upper right corner….

Keep going.  And going.  And going.  Make a cup of tea.  Keep going….until the whole picture comes to life:


So awesome.  Then put it outside:


Such a fun and interesting twist on pumpkin carving!

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