
A List and a Realization

Before I go to work at the yarn shop today, a list:

1) On one of the last days before it started getting dark at 2pm, Paul and I went for a walk at Thacher Park.  So pretty.  We always say we should do that more often but only do it sometimes.

IMG_4114(2) IMG_4116(2)



2) I have a pile of things that need ends woven in and blocking:


If you are keeping track, don’t ask what the red one is.

3)The wood is all stacked.

From this:


To this:


Apparently three cords does fit in one side.(I had my doubts.  Paul didn’t.)  And we are hoping what’s on the right will take us through the winter.  (We both have doubts about that.)

4) Doodlebug activities this week included collecting pine cones in grandma’s yard:


Then sorting through them to find teeny tiny, medium and humongous ones:


5) I started another Christmas gift, inspired by the Purl Soho Trellis Scarf, just different:


(Different stitch count, different needle size, different yarn type. Same stitch pattern.)

5)  But then I got distracted by this, because I stumbled upon it when looking for something else:


I really want to start them.  But I’m not.  I have a long Christmas knitting list and there are only 47 days until Christmas.

Ok, I just counted that out on my calendar and very calmly typed it out but now I’m a little bit freaking out …. I just realized there are only 47 days until Christmas!  You may not want to be thinking about Christmas right now but in the world of a knitter with a Christmas knitting list, that’s not many.  I actually should have started thinking about it in August.  Now I really have to buckle down.  And I have to stop getting distracted by things not on the list.

2 thoughts on “A List and a Realization

  1. Love it all: Thacher Park, the knitting (especially the trellis scarf), always the Doodlebugs, and thanks for for the 47 day reminder!

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