
(Very Little) New and Exciting Knitting (and two book reviews)

I finally resumed work on my Aaron’s Aran Sweater in order to show you something new and exciting that would be a little less monotonous than my progress on the Ecuador sweater.  So here’s “something new”…. I finished the back:


Bound off and immediately cast on again for the front with my size 8 needle, since the directions for the front start with, “Work as for the back.”  Got the ribbing done and the increase row after the ribbing.

Then referred to the next instruction which said, “Switch to size 8 needle”…… wait for the “something exciting”…..


I was already using a size 8 needle!…….


I was supposed to start the ribbing with a size 6 needle, which I done for the back (that’s what makes the bottom ribbing pull in nicely as you can see in the picture above) but apparently forgot.  This wonderful mishap occurred during the doodlebugs’ naptime, so screaming was not an option.  I very quietly ripped out, saying all sorts of things in my head including, “And of course you don’t have a size 6 needle here with you.”  So it was back to working on the Ecuador which I had thankfully brought, just in case.   See?  Even my subconscious knows to plan for these inevitable lapses in my knitting prowess.

How about two book reviews?

Only Time Will Tell (The Clifton Chronicles) by Jeffrey Archer:  This is a new series by Jeffrey Archer.  I remember reading Kane and Abel way back when and loving the family drama.  I like Jeffrey Archer for this as well as his story telling across generations.  This one takes place in England from 1920-1940 and ends on the docks of New York City setting us up for the next book.  Lots of family secrets and drama, in a story that pulls you along.  I enjoyed this one and will read the next one, The Sins of the Father (The Clifton Chronicles).

The Whole Enchilada: A Novel of Suspense (Goldy Schulz) by Diane Mott Davidson: I usually like these books. I have read all of them.  However,  I think I’m all Diane Mott Davidson-ed out.  The Goldy Schulz character has become very predictable and I found myself rolling my eyes a lot at some of her phrasing, which was all too familiar.  I might need to temper this review by saying that I listened to the audiobook and I could. not. stand. the narrator.  She was terrible and was a little overdramatic in the wrong places and put emphasis on the wrong words in a lot of her sentences.  But despite this, the story was a little dull to me.  A little predictable.  But that’s just me.  If you’ve never read her before, it will probably be a fun story.  Plus, if you buy the printed book, it will have Mexican recipes in it.  I made cinnamon rolls from one of her books and they were delicious!

I’m listening to an audiobook now in which the narrator is excellent. You can tell she knows the story inside and out and knows when to sound dramatic etc.  And I’m loving the book.  I’ll tell you more about it when I’m done.  There are “only” 11 1/2 more hours to listen to…. during my half our commute to and from babysitting three days a week.  That means I’ll be done in about 4 weeks.  Put it on your calendar to look for that blog post…

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