Blog Silence
There have been no blog posts from here in quite a while. Want to know why? WE WERE ON VACATION!! …. to YELLOWSTONE!!!!!
It was so great. But I’ll have to tell you about it later, since I need to organize the 400 or so pictures and figure out how to tell you about it without boring you. In the mean time, here’s what you missed leading up to our vacation because I was too busy trying to figure out what knitting to bring and could not blog.
Apple crisp and acorn squash made from our CSA shares:
The apple crisp was great. The acorn squash was not our favorite (made with brown sugar and butter). It was just ok.
Pretty sun-setting sky:
Cruising along on my High Plains poncho… binding off one side and running out of yarn on the last inch and a half:
….totally annoying.
Then, after we got home, we got our veggie share and I made Apple-Butternut/Acorn Squash soup:
Forgot to get a pretty picture while it was still in the pot. I combined a couple of recipes I found, but generally used this one, and added apples. Yummy, spicy, sweet, savory and a much better way to eat acorn squash.
And Ratatouille. Chopped everything up:
Cooked it on the stove for a bit:
Then into the oven for 1 1/2-2 hours:
So yummy. My mom made this for family gatherings and my Uncle Jon used to call it “Hatchoo-ey” and pretend like he was sneezing. It was funny.
Opened up a jar of bread and butter pickles, made in August, after waiting the 8 weeks it said to:
They are the best pickles I have ever had. Hands down. I’m not a big pickle fan, especially not dill pickles, so sweet are the ones I usually go for. I could eat these until the cows come home. I hope I can make them they same way next time.
Pretty leaf pics in the yard after a week of being away:
And a quick drive to Thacher Park to see the view:
Speaking of views, these are nothing compared to what we saw in Wyoming. Wait ’til you see. Next time…
Welcome home! Missed you.
Welcome back! Can’t wait to see your photos!
Thanks Anita!