
Recovery Mode

We finished off our vacation with ice cream for dinner:


I’ll tell you what….There is nothing better than eating ice cream when you are hungry and not after dinner when you are already full.

Then, it was time to get into vacation recovery mode.  It was great to be away and all, but I’m sure you can relate to the fact that it is so hard to get back into the swing of things when you come home.  I get so discombobulated.  Trying to figure out what day it is becomes an impossible feat.  Getting up at the usual time seems like the most unreasonable hour.  At the end of the day it seems like it’s been a year since morning happened.  After eating out for several days in a row, I had no idea what that room in our house with the refrigerator and stove was for.  And I almost forgot how to babysit.  My first day back with the doodlebugs, I kept feeling like I was forgetting to do something.  Thank goodness I remembered to give them lunch.  And I did manage to help them with a craft project:


Now that it’s Friday, here’s to hoping I’ll be back on track soon….

The only thing that didn’t get discombobulated was my knitting.  Thank goodness for my knitting.  Even if it gives me trouble, at least I’m still knitting.  I’ve been whizzing along on my Wheaten wrap:


This is one of the patterns and yarn I got at the Bare Naked Wools Boutique on our trip.  I just love the pattern and the yarn (Kent DK).  I can’t wait to see what it will look like when it is blocked and the lacey parts open up.

And, once we got home and I had my scale, I finished up my What if….? scarf:




I pretty much like it.  I’m not thrilled with how ragged the lighter sections look, because of the short rows that are knit into them.  And the color changes are still very subtle.  But from afar, it looks nice.

Ok, so wish me luck…. I’m bringing my items to enter into the Altamont Fair today.


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