
Winner Winner Chicken Dinner: Part 2

Day two of racing started out rainy.  (Check out Day 1 and the beginning of the trip HERE.) Not a good sign as that might mean racing would be cancelled and done the next day, when we were supposed to be driving home.  But first, as usual, was a stop at the grocery store for ice:


“Healthier Than Homemade…” ??????

Here is what we came back to the track to find:


Lots of rain and a broken canopy.  That’s Rob and Denny trying to get the water out of the top, while making things much worse and ripping the top.  They had to resort to poking more holes in it to get the water out.  At least Rob’s car stayed fairly dry.  Then it rained on and off all morning.

But guess what?  I didn’t really notice because I went to a fiber fair!


It was at a skating rink.


….and I found the BareNaked Wools booth and bought two more patterns.

I also got some other stuff:


A great new bag; a pretty lace weight yarn from Knitting Rose Yarns; and a superwash merino/nylon Smooth Sailing Batt to spin, in the colorway Neapolitan (Doesn’t it look just like the ice cream colors?) from Adventures in Yarncraft.

I got back in time for lunch.  And then racing was on, since the weather cleared up!  In between races and pit crew duties, I finished my Urban Lace Infinity scarf:

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And started my Shattered Sun Shawl:


… and Ray and I solved some more world problems.

It was a great day of racing, especially since Rob won his class and then won King of the Hill (a race against the winners of the other classes):


Two trophies, a t-shirt and a wad of cash.  Congratulations to Rob!  He and his car have had a rough couple of years and he’s worked hard to get his car back up to snuff.  But I’m sure it was the effort and support of his awesome pit crew that helped him win.  He did buy us dinner at our usual spot:


The next morning, we started our long trip home (without a stop for yarn) very, very, very early.


When it got light enough out, I worked on my Shattered Sun Shawl but then realized that the lace pattern might be hard to do in the car.  I started panicking a little, thinking I didn’t bring enough projects.  Or the wrong projects – the kind that are hard to knit in the car and would make me car sick.  So, I broke out my new Kent DK and decided I’d start my Wheaten wrap:



The only obstacle to overcome, was that I needed a size 6 needle and the only size 6 I had was being used with my shawl.  Luckily it was a 40″ circular needle and there was plenty of room for both!  I “parked” my shawl and started the wrap:


After I got my 2 inches on the wrap border, I needed a bigger needle, which I didn’t have, so I just “parked” that one on the needle and tried the lace pattern on my shawl.  Not too hard to knit in the car after all!


Now I just need to transfer the wrap to the bigger needle so I can keep working on it.

Overall, a great weekend.  Paul said he missed bringing his car a little, but was happy to have kept busy helping Rob.  He’s out in the garage now, working on his car to get it ready for the next race.

Oh, and at our last rest stop, Rob discovered something:


At some point, Ray had thrown his gum out the window….


4 thoughts on “Winner Winner Chicken Dinner: Part 2

  1. Love all your photos. Great that your friend, Rob, did so well with a great support team!
    The cowl in Painted Sky is beautiful. Great pattern for that yarn. That was very serendipitous that a Fiber Fair was so close by and on that weekend. You picked up some great loot!

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