
Two Quick Things

1) I am sooooooo late to the party on this, and I may be annoying some by just mentioning it.  Especially those who have school-aged children.  But I just heard “Let It Go” from the movie Frozen for the first time ever and I. Just. Love. It.  It really is a very catchy tune.  I want to play it over and over and over.  And sorry if I just gave you an earworm.

2) I started these:


The Hidden Gusset mitts from the new Knitty First Fall 2014.  Let me clarify:  I started these three times.  But now I’m on track.  Class to be scheduled for the end of July!

Busy, busy weekend coming up.  See you on the other side with a more thrilling post.  (this one was just so-so)  At that time, we might be talking about synesthesia.  Do you have it?

One thought on “Two Quick Things

  1. I don’t think I have that! I like the gloves would love to take the class if July wasn’t so busy…..
    Hope to see you soon, keep up the good work!

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