Peep Fest
Busy, busy weekend around here. A regular peep fest you might say.
These peeps were on super sale at Target:
As you can see, we bought a ton.
And these peeps were at Tractor Supply:
We didn’t buy any of these.
I went to The Spinning Room and taught another Bridgeport Cowl class to my knitting peeps:
And dropped of my Vine Lace Vest to display for a class which hopefully other knitting peeps will clamor want to sign up for:
I have also been working on my Baby Sweater on Two Needles (February) by Elizabeth Zimmerman for another class with knitting peeps:
It is also known as the February Baby Sweater since it is in the “February” section of the Elizabeth Zimmermann’s Knitter’s Almanac . And, yet again, I messed up something that I should have known better than to mess up. A basic “good idea” of knitting – I’m staying away from saying “rule” for some reason, probably because I don’t want to admit I broke a rule – is to read through the whole pattern before starting. However – cue the excuse – this pattern is only 2 short paragraphs long. How much could I miss in two paragraphs, right? Well, I’ll tell you how much. The pattern starts off having you cast on, knit several rows in garter stitch, do an increase, knit some more rows, do another increase, knit some more rows, and do a final increase. Then it says “Change to pattern, keeping first and last 4 sts in garter-stitch, and putting in buttonholes about every 8th ridge.” Well, in that first section, I had already knit 12 ridges. And when I looked at the teeny tiny black and white picture on the pattern, there was a button way up at the top which would have been put in during the first couple of rows. So, I had already missed two buttonhole opportunities. Out my work came and I started over. If I had read the whole pattern first….. And also? I know about Elizabeth Zimmerman and her “sparse” pattern instructions and her expectation that knitting should be intuitive so why would she have to say that a buttonhole should be put in near the top when that is where you put a buttonhole on most sweaters! So, don’t ask me why I didn’t read the whole pattern first.
I also saw some family peeps for my mother-in-law’s birthday. I made another awesome looking pie:
Notice I said an awesome looking pie. It did not taste as awesome as my last pie. It was watery and I think I put too much lemon rind and nutmeg in it because it tasted sort of sour and too nutmeg-y. The crust, however, was excellent. Nice and flakey. Now, I seem to be on a quest to make a consistently awesome pie. I’m looking for any reason to make a pie. Just so you know.
And, of course, there was errand-day with my main peep, Paul. Which ended with:
And his request to have me mend his well worn felted slippers that I made him:
Stay tuned for how that project goes…