
Easter Weekend

This past weekend was our yearly trek to Virginia to visit Paul’s brother and his family.  Eleven of us in the house, including two toddlers (the Doodlebugs) and while it was tiring, it was very fun as usual.  On the way down, we took a little detour to show Paul’s mom Amish country and we stopped at the little touristy shopping area for lunch:


When we arrived in Virginia there was the usual: lots of eating and sitting around the table chatting.  We had these great Easter basket cupcakes made by our niece Erica:


And of course there was a trip to the local yarn shop in Old Town, Fibre Space, with my sister-in-law (and fellow knitter) Anita:


Where I was the only one who purchased something:


Neighborhood Fiber Company, Studio Sport, in the “Shaw” colorway; some stitch markers (I need stitch markers like I need a hole in the head but I just can’t help myself when I see a kind that I don’t have.); and a $2 bag.  I need a bag like I need a hole in the head too, but it was $2.  Seriously. Who wouldn’t?

Next door to the yarn shop was Olio, a great olive oil store in which we tasted no olive oil but tried every kind of balsamic vinegar that was there.  So yummy.  I ended up with Cherry Balsamic, and this wonderfully yummy Bourbon Onion Jam which was excellent on our burgers the next day:


Easter Sunday was church, dinner, Easter Egg Hunt in the back yard, another dinner and lots of dessert.  Lots more time spent around the table chatting and playing Uno.

And I got to take home my yearly stash of tomato plants that Anita grew from seed:


Thanks for doing all the hard work Anita!

One of the best parts was that the weather was gorgeous!  Seventy degrees and everything was green and blooming and just lovely.  We spent some time outside walking, playing and just enjoying the sunshine.  We will hold that in our memories until the brown yuckiness here goes away.  I am encouraged that the crocuses and daffodils persevered during our last (hopefully) snowfall last week:

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There was some knitting.  Some I can’t show you and some I will show you next post…

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