
Pumpkin Bread

I made pumpkin bread with my pureed pumpkin from last year’s harvest.  Yes, I admit it, it’s been frozen for a year and I still used it.  I have no idea the recommended time frame for freezing pumpkin but the bread turned out great.  I used my trusty The New Good Housekeeping Cookbook for the recipe.  It makes one, very large, bread.

Putting the pan in the oven was slightly terrifying…. it was so full I was afraid it would overflow once it started rising:


Look how full that is!  …but it was fine and rose very nicely:

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It was so yummy!  Especially the end piece (my fave), cut while it was still warm and a little crispy, slathered with butter:

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Doesn’t it make you want to make some?

And, while I was on my excursion to purchase donuts the other day, I stopped in at Home Goods after a tip from my friend, Lisa, that they had dress forms there.  Who knew Home Goods would have dress forms?


Exactly what I wanted/needed for displaying and photographing my handknits! (that is my Citron shawl). I resisted the urge to shop around…they have a lot of good stuff there.  It could have been bad.  But then again, I’m having a tag sale this Sunday, so there will be a little more room here for “stuff”.

More knitting to come….it’s been a little boring since I’ve only been working on my Ecuador sweater.  To clarify, I’m not bored.  But you might be, seeing my creeping-along progress.

2 thoughts on “Pumpkin Bread

  1. I’m on my way! 🙂 Looking forward to some of that pumpkin bread AND starting a knitting project …and, eating some of Frank’s donuts for Kathy Y. and Jer hahaha :D.
    Oh! and the tag sale – maybe I’ll find something else to buy LOL…
    XO, Me

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